My name is Ludovic; I am a Frenchman and live in Normandy, 15 miles West from DREUX city. I was always interested in military history and, because my grandfather Maurice was a rail worker from 1922 to 1960 in the area Dreux-Verneuil sur Avre, I discovered, years ago, that it was the 723 rd ROB who was in charge of our railway line.
after WW2). So, our truck is running since this year. I've read that it was the "A" company of the 723 rd who used some trucks as it, but how may, I don't know...?
So, the markings are to be completed with truck/company n°. Enclosed, photos of us and another from the 1944 era in Normandy. I hope this will be of interest for you and old friends of America. very sincerely yours, Ludovic