Thanks to Fetty's daughter Maydean for these great photos and documents.
This photo is my dad, Ralph Glenn Fetty on left and his life longfriend Annas W. Klingensmith at Fort Sam Houston, Texas where they met and trained together
Railway Operating Battalion (ROB), Railway Shop Battalion (RSB), Railway Grand Division (RGD), Transportation Railway Shop Battalion (TRSB), Transportation Group (Railway), Transportation Railway Shop Battalion (TRSB), Transportation Railway Operating Battalion (TROB), Transportation Military Railway Service(TMRS), Transportation Group (Railway), Transportation Corps, U.S. Army and more
Thanks to Fetty's daughter Maydean for these great photos and documents.
This photo is my dad, Ralph Glenn Fetty on left and his life longfriend Annas W. Klingensmith at Fort Sam Houston, Texas where they met and trained together
Saturday, November 16, 2024 | Labels: 732nd Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
If you have any materials connected to these great Army Railway units please share them here with the families of the soldiers. If you are a collector or memorabilia dealer PLEASE share copies or scans of items BEFORE you sell these priceless materials to private collectors . I will hold the copies until after they sell. It means so much to the families of the guy's that actually served in these units.
Contact me : Nancy militaryrailwayservice@gmail.