Franklin writes of his father-in-law ...
My father in-law, Roy
Edward Mitchell was with this group in WWII and Korea.

Railway Operating Battalion (ROB), Railway Shop Battalion (RSB), Railway Grand Division (RGD), Transportation Railway Shop Battalion (TRSB), Transportation Group (Railway), Transportation Railway Shop Battalion (TRSB), Transportation Railway Operating Battalion (TROB), Transportation Military Railway Service(TMRS), Transportation Group (Railway), Transportation Corps, U.S. Army and more
Franklin writes of his father-in-law ...
My father in-law, Roy
Edward Mitchell was with this group in WWII and Korea.
Monday, August 14, 2017 | Labels: 712th Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
Jay writes ...My dad's older brother, Harmon Braxton Lindsey, was in the 741st Railway OPR BN TC(Not sure what any of these acronyms mean).
I also have a few pictures that are attached. If you have any information on my uncle, please let me know.
He was KIA on 12/24/44 in Leige, Belgium. The 2 pictures where he is with his unit buddies, I have no idea who these men are or if they are even still alive.
One of them is from Chicago I believe and had a nickname. I also have a picture of my Uncle on a Train with his name on the locomotive.
update May 2018 Jay writes 86 yr old aunt whose brother was Harmon said the man standing in the picture with my uncle on the cobblestone street was named Mickey Dominic from Philadelphia PA. If you can post his name to that picture somehow that would be great in case he has Descendents still alive.
Monday, August 14, 2017 | Labels: 741st Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
If you have any materials connected to these great Army Railway units please share them here with the families of the soldiers. If you are a collector or memorabilia dealer PLEASE share copies or scans of items BEFORE you sell these priceless materials to private collectors . I will hold the copies until after they sell. It means so much to the families of the guy's that actually served in these units.
Contact me : Nancy militaryrailwayservice@gmail.