German Reichsbahn Eagle 708th Railway Grand Division Carr

Again thanks to Wilhelm for these...

 Presentation of a plaque with a German Reichsbahn-eagle and two affixed metal plates by Colonel W.S. Carr of the 708th Railway Grand Division to Brigade-General Clarance L. Burpee (commander of the Second Military Railway Service), at the German city of Bremerhaven in August 1945.

In the back standing a person with the wooden box to put the eagle into!
One of the engines was named to the commander of the unit as “COL. CARR SPECIAL, 1001” with the unit-number 708 RGD.

Thanks : Wilhelm P.B.R. Saris (Netherlands); material 708th Railway Grand Division, courtesy Bill Shea from the Ruptured Duck, Hubbartston (USA).