Al Roberts 724th 1954-photo
Monday, November 30, 2009 | Labels: 724th Transportation Battalion, Korean War, photos | 0 Comments
728th Railway Operating Battalion Milo Howe Obit
Sunday, November 29, 2009 | Labels: 728th Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
735th Railway Operating Battalion Robert Walter Neumann obit
Sunday, November 29, 2009 | Labels: 735th Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
712th TROB
Sunday, November 29, 2009 | Labels: 712th Railway Operating Battalion, Korean War | 0 Comments
765th TRSB Newsletter October 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009 | Labels: 765th Transportation Railway Shop Battalion | 0 Comments
Official Reports of Fighting in Korea NYT
Sunday, November 29, 2009 | Labels: news article | 0 Comments
759th ROB Daniel Boone Stevenson Jr obit
Sunday, November 29, 2009 | Labels: 759th Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
Military Railway Service Veterans of World War II and Korea to be Honored at Conference 2009-05-28
Military Railway Service Veterans of World War II and Korea to be Honored at Conference
Military Railway Service (MRS) veterans of World War II and Korea will be honored at the annual Transportation Corps (TC) Conference at Fort Eustis, Va., July 29-Aug. 1.
During World War II (WWII), more than 43,500 solder-railroaders served in more than 50 commercial railroad-sponsored MRS units stationed in theaters around the world. Seven of these were sponsored by BNSF-predecessor railroads.
Specific events scheduled to honor MRS veterans include "staff ride" visits to nearby rail facilities, tours of the Army Transportation Museum, showing of 1950s-era Army rail training films, history presentations on the Military Railway Service and the Claiborne and Polk Military Railway and access to the locomotive simulator trainer. The Museum Foundation General Membership Meeting luncheon and Conference Ball will enable veterans to meet and share their knowledge with each other and with today's generation of TC soldiers. Throughout the event, an Army History Detachment will be on hand to record the personal MRS experiences and impressions of these veterans for future generations. A detailed schedule listing times and locations for specific events will be published in the near future.
Most TC conference events will be open to the public. A special invitation, though, is extended to post Korean-era soldiers who served, or are currently serving, in active or reserve MRS units. MRS veterans of WWII and/or Korea, who want to participate in TC conference activities, should contact Mark Metz, LTC-USAR (Ret.) at e-mail: or 717-597-2636. Other individuals should go to the Fort Eustis Web site at the end of May 2009 and complete the registration form.
BNSF Headquarters
BNSF Railway Company
2650 Lou Menk Dr. 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 961057
Fort Worth, TX 76161-0057
Phone: (817) 352-1000
For more information on the company and its transportation solutions, visit the BNSF Web site at
Saturday, November 21, 2009 | Labels: Camp Claiborne, Camp Polk | 1 Comments
MRS rail units sponsored by BNSF
MRS rail units sponsored by BNSF (Burlignton Northern Santa Fe)
Here are the MRS rail units sponsored by BNSF processor companies as listed in MG Gray's RAILROADING IN EIGHTEEN COUNTRIES:
Unit Sponsor Activation Date
704th RGD GN 30 NOV 42
710th RGD ATSF 14 DEC 43
713th ROB ATSF 15 APR 42
732nd ROB GN 12 JAN 44
745th ROB CB&Q 19 MAY 43
747th ROB ATSF Not Activated
750th ROB SL-SF 21 MAR 44
758th RSB ATSF 6 APR 43
Saturday, November 21, 2009 | Labels: Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Railroad company, Railway Operating Battalion, World War II pt 1 | 1 Comments
759th ROB Bill Bording obit
Saturday, November 21, 2009 | Labels: obit, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
Railways enlist in the Army NYT 194?
Saturday, November 21, 2009 | Labels: news article, World War II pt 1 | 0 Comments
744th Railway Operating Battalion Joe Kizzia Obit
Saturday, November 21, 2009 | Labels: 744th Railway Operating Battalion, obit, Railway Operating Battalion | 1 Comments
746th Tyra Oscar Galloway obit
Saturday, November 14, 2009 | Labels: 746th Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
The famous 101 765th locomotive
Saturday, November 14, 2009 | Labels: 765th Transportation Railway Shop Battalion, locomotives | 0 Comments
729th William Kolberg obit
Saturday, November 14, 2009 | Labels: 729th Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
721st Railway Operating Battalion John T. Jack Moore- obit
Thursday, November 12, 2009 | Labels: 721st Railway Operating Battalion, obit, Railway Operating Battalion | 2 Comments
730th Railway Operating Battalion Pierre Rasmussen obt
Thursday, November 12, 2009 | Labels: 730th Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 4 Comments
714th TROB John J. Donahue- obit
Thursday, November 12, 2009 | Labels: 714th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
756th Railway Operating Battalion
Thursday, November 12, 2009 | Labels: 756th Railway Shop Battalion | 0 Comments
732d Railway Operating Battalion 1944
Monday, November 09, 2009 | Labels: 732nd Railway Operating Battalion, news article | 0 Comments
714th Donald Eugene Miller
Monday, November 09, 2009 | Labels: 714th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
765th Photos Ron Torii
Sunday, November 08, 2009 | Labels: 765th Transportation Railway Shop Battalion, Korean War | 0 Comments
755th Carl Edward Landmesser -obit
Sunday, November 08, 2009 | Labels: 755th Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
727th Kenneth Sanford Diary Sloderdyk All (703rd)
Sunday, November 08, 2009 | Labels: 703rd Railway Operating Battalion, 727th Railway Operating Battalion, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
Books we own about Military Rail Units and Unit Histories
Here is my list of books and unit histories I own and have posted about on this blog.
Email us at if you have anything to share.
Sunday, November 08, 2009 | Labels: book, Unit History | 0 Comments
727th Photos Ken Sanford
More great photos from Ken's daughter, Karen1) Bob Nyberg & interpreter "Peirre" in France
2) Some Italian children in Rome who were hard to keep away from the supply room
3) John Reaple
4) Middle LH side, my Father Ken Sanford holding on to side of train
5) Bottom RH side "703 guys Marseille France"
6) bottom LH side someone named Ed Sanders
Sunday, November 08, 2009 | Labels: 727th Railway Operating Battalion, photos | 0 Comments
765th Railroad Magazine 'Letter from Korea' 1952
Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Labels: news article | 0 Comments
713th Victor F. Schaefer -obit
Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Labels: 713th Railway Operating Battalion, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
715th Railway Operating Battalion
There is a post about this 715th bell on the Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum-blog and thank goodness for it, you can read it here
I'm pretty sure the L.B. Griffin is my Uncle Larry Griffin, if anyone else is related to anyone from the 715th or knows anymore about the unit or this bell let me know -Thanks, Nancy
The above "17" brass bell 1943 Illinois Central railroad 715th RROB" is described as follows:
"Brass railroad bell mounted on wooden plate. I believe this bell was
"owned" by the 715th Railroad Operating Battalion. The 715th served in Italy from 1943-1945 and operated the lines between Pisa and the northern Italian coast, supplying the effort to drive the Nazis from the Apennines and out of the Po Valley of Northern Italy.
They were sponsored by the Illinois Central Railroad.
One side is engraved:
Company B
715th Operating battalion
Feb 5th 1943
The other side is engraved with the names of members of the unit:
Capt W. T. Kelly
Lt. R.J. Chinn
Lt. L.B. Griffin
Lt. E.V. Heisler
Lt. J. B. Mattingly
Boiler base 8", base to top of yoke-17", width of yoke-10', bell diameter 8" weighs approx 40 lbs."
Over the years these names have been mentioned as being in the 715th
Raymond D. Simpson, served in Company A Oct 1942 to Oct 1945
Arnold Wolters Apennines and po valley campaigns. his name was arnold wolters.
Herbert L. Williams trainmaster of that unit
Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Labels: 715th Railway Operating Battalion, locomotive bell, Railway Operating Battalion | 3 Comments
Military Railway Plans 1941 NYT
Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Labels: news article, World War II pt 1 | 0 Comments
Erie Railroad tells America why railroad units are so important
Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Labels: Railroad company, World War II pt 1 | 0 Comments
733rd ROB Bartles, Albert Harry Obit
Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Labels: 733rd Railway Operating Battalion, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
740th Onderisin,Charles obit
Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Labels: 740th Railway Operating Battalion, obit, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
752nd Railway Operating Battalion Barney photos
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 752nd Railway Operating Battalion, photos, Railway Operating Battalion | 3 Comments
752nd Donald Wayne Barclay Sr obit
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 752nd Railway Operating Battalion, obit, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
752nd ROB: Division Mourns Death of Jim Guerci
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 752nd Railway Operating Battalion, obit | 0 Comments
Destination Berlin: "The Transportation Corps will furnish the necessary transportation!" 1944
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: European theater, Transportation Corps, World War II pt 1 | 0 Comments
752nd Railway Operating Battalion Thomas E. Williams photos
Thanks to Dave Williams
1. Dad & Robert Barnes, my dad, Thomas Ervin Williams on left
2. My dad, Thomas E. Williams, Holland, 1945
3. My dad, Thomas E. Williams, Camp Gray, 1944, 752nd ROB, 2cd row third from left
4. Dad and members of his unit, 752nd ROB, France, 2nd row third from right.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 752nd Railway Operating Battalion, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
765th Transportation Railway Shop Battalion Awards
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 765th Transportation Railway Shop Battalion, Korean War | 0 Comments
United States Army No. 101
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 765th Transportation Railway Shop Battalion, locomotives | 0 Comments
709th Railway Grand Division by Dave Kaufman
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 709th Railway Grand Division, Dave Kaufman | 0 Comments
8010th TMRS photos - Bernerd Drury
From Bernerd Drury
- Relaxing at the 8010th TMRs club with some of my friends.I am the cpl
- Bernerd in Yokohama Japan sumer 1952
- I remember two of these GIs, the big guy holding a can is Billy Rictie and the one holding a picture is Fortner.
- Bernerd on 70th birthday
- Unit patch
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 8010th Transportation Traffic Regulating Group, japan, photos | 0 Comments
721st Railway Operations Battalion Co C Soldier Trip Home
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 721st Railway Operating Battalion, Railway Operating Battalion | 1 Comments
The U.S. Army in Post World War II Japan, 1945-1952
The U.S. Army in Post World War II Japan, 1945-1952 This video presentation features history of the U.S. Army in Japan following "September 2, 1945 ... [when] representatives of the Japanese government and the Allied powers gathered to sign an instrument of surrender which in effect, formally ended World War II." Also includes transcripts, photos, documents (such as the 1946 Constitution of Japan) and suggested readings and links to online resources. From the United States Army.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: japan | 0 Comments
747th Railway Operating Battalion photos from KSanford
Karen writes:
1) Bob Nyberg & interpreter "Peirre" in France
2) Some Italian children in Rome who were hard to keep away from the supply room
3) John Reaple
4) Middle LH side, my Father Ken Sanford holding on to side of train
5) Bottom RH side "703 guys Marseille France"
6) bottom LH side someone named Ed Sanders
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 747th Railway Operating Battalion, photos | 0 Comments
716th soldiers court martial
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 716th Railway Operating Battalion, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
716th Railway Operating Battalion High-Ball Newsletter Oct 10 1945 Vol.1 No7
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 716th Railway Operating Battalion, High-Ball newsletter | 0 Comments
716th Railway Operating Battalion -Millionaire Battalion
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 716th Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
727th Railway Operating Battalion -Carping
From Donna...
Ralph David Carping #36661856 Private First Class
727th RWY OPR Bn Discharged November, 9th, 1945
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 727th Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
752nd Railway Operating Battalion Photo- Thomas Ervin Williams
From Thomas..
My dad, Thomas Ervin Williams, (now deceased) was a fireman on the Santa Fe in 1944.
He enlisted and served in Europe in WWII as a railroader.
I have a picture, I think taken in basic, of him with the 752nd RY OPN BN, it's attached. He's third from left in 2cd row.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 752nd Railway Operating Battalion, photos, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
723rd image
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 723rd Railway Operating Battalion, photos, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
746 Railway Operating Battalion Louie Edmistion
Joy writes ...This the 746 Railway Battalion in Germany and Austria. Don't know what year. Louie Edmistion is our relative from Xenia Illinois or could be Wheatland Indiana, where his wife and children were while he was away.
Uncle Louse 3rd row from L 2nd from back
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
477th Railway Operating Battalion -Fauth Obit
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: 477th Railway Battalion, obit, World War II pt 2 | 0 Comments
Transportation Corps : railway-operating battalion Field Manual 55-55
War Department field manual; FM 55-55.
Explains the organization and operation of the railway-operating battalion upon a railway operated by the Military Railway Service. Its purpose is to assist military railway officers in the training and operation of their units and to guide command and staff officers charged with their employment.
read it
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 | Labels: Field Manuals, Transportation Corps, World War II pt 2 | 0 Comments
US ARMY: Railway Operations Crewmember (88U)
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: locomotives, videos | 0 Comments
749th Railway Operating Battalion Roster Co. B
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: 749th Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
Railway Progress Magazine 1952 3rd TMRS
Railway Progress Magazine 1... by on Scribd
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: 3rd TMRS, news article | 0 Comments
765th Unit Information
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: 765th Transportation Railway Shop Battalion, Korean War | 0 Comments
One soldiers view of Antwerp 1945
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: 743rd Railway Operating Battalion, World War II pt 2 | 0 Comments
3rd TMRS Korea
3rd TMRS Korea by on Scribd
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: 3rd TMRS, Korean War | 0 Comments
US ARMY One Lucky Locomotive US101
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: 765th Transportation Railway Shop Battalion, Korean War, locomotives | 0 Comments
The Saga of the 732nd Railway Operating Battalion
732nd Saga by Nancy
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: 732nd Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
The Military Railway Service Journal vol5 no5 September 1958
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: Military Railway Service Journal | 0 Comments
Mend Bad Rails Under Gunfire Washington Post 1944
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: Railway Operating Battalion, World War II pt 2 | 0 Comments
American Rails in eight countries : The Story of the 1st Military Railway Service
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: 1st Military Railway Service, book, Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
Meet the MRS from the Wall Street Journal 1944
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: news article, Railway Operating Battalion, World War II pt 2 | 0 Comments
Army Railway Unit 'Playing' With Toys CSM May 1943
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Labels: World War II pt 2 | 0 Comments