Merry Christmas 2021- First Military Railway Service Xmas 1944 France menu

The Great Northern Railroad and the 732nd Railway Operating Battalion

Thanks to Andrew and THE GREAT NORTHERN GOAT for sharing their great article!

They were not scrapped

Question: I had a question about color of locomotives sent to Luxembourg in World War II

I had a question does anyone know this - please email me if you do: 

Hello, I have a question about the S160, do you know in which color the vehicles were delivered to Europe during World War II. 9 S160 machines were stationed in Luxembourg. The following machines were N ° in Luxemburg in 1908 Vulcan; 2560, 2574, 3279 Lima; 2101, 2422, 2457 Alco; 2265, 2341 Baldwin. In September 1946 all were transferred to Hungary. With best regards from Luxembourg-Weis André

A Railroader in World War II: Gerald Harbaugh and the (754th Railway Shop Battalion) 3rd Military Railway Service by Col Greg Eanes


 A Railroader in World War II: Gerald Harbaugh and the 3rd Military Railway Service

 (The Virginians at War Series)  April 6, 2017 by Col Greg Eanes (Author)

Gerald Harbaugh was railroad mechanic from the railroad town of Crewe, Va. When World War II erupted, he volunteered for the U.S. Army only to discover the Army needed experienced railroad men to move Lend Lease supplies across Iran to Russia then desperately fighting Nazi Germany. 

Harbaugh was assigned to Company A, 754th Railway Shop Battalion, 3rd Military Railway Service of the Persian Gulf Command. 

 Now available on Amazon

Trains go to war: Korea

729th Railway Operating Battalion 25th Reunion August 8-10th 1974 Booklet

Steel Rails to Victory : a photographic history of rail operations during World War II by Ron Ziel

part 1

part 2

Military Rail Units United States Army

The Transportation Corps :movements, training, and supply / by Chester Wardlow.

The Transportation Corps :movements, training, and supply / by Chester Wardlow.

Rail Transport and the Winning of Wars Paperback by James A. Van Fleet

Rail Transport and the Winning of Wars Paperback – January 1, 1956 by James A. Van Fleet (Author)

US Army War and Troop Trains of WWII - Steam Train Railroads of WW2 DVD

What's on this DVD; US Army War and Troop Trains of WWII A collection of films by the War Dept about the importance of American trains and how they got the Troops and War material to the ports to win the war. We also included war clips of trains in both in Europe and in China against the Japanese. Plus a captured Nazi films by the US Army on Nazi war trains and of course the biggest war gun ever made, the German Rail Gun. 

1st Film: "Troop Train". This film is by the War Department and shows loading tanks, truck, jeeps, etc and of course, the Troops. Troops will be troops and it show them eating, sleeping, gambling, etc 10:50 Min's 

2nd Film: "By Train By Sea". This film is a US Army film about the Army Inspector General system checking and rechecking Men and women, their gear and firearms that are about to be loaded aboard the trains. 16:43 Min's 

 3rd Film: “Railroad Via Persia”. This is a British film about getting war supplies to Russia through Iran during WW2. Very rare film. 8:13 Min’s 

4th Film: "Train Newsreels". A great collection of war Train newsreels. 1st, War Trains state side, 2nd, Burma trains with refugees. 3rd, Troop and Tanks by train in India. 4th, Burma Railroad by Jeeps. 5th, Supply and Troop Train in US. 6th, RR in New Zealand for troops. 6th, Canada and Alaska Railroads. 7th, Alaskan Railroad re-opened. 8th, Salvage RR for War. 9th, 530 miles of pipeline laid for oil trains. 10th, New Foundries rush Steel for weapons. 11th, Canada builds Locomotives. 12th, War Trains rush tanks to the Docks. 13th, U-boats fail to stop Cargo trains supplying Convoy ships to England. 12th, War Trains with Tanks in travel by train to harbors for Europe. 13th, Railroads bring Tanks to front. 14, War Trains to Russia. 30:52 Min's. 

 5th Film: "Rare Report from Berlin". This is an Army film of captured Nazi newsreel not meant to be seen by Americans. The story line is how great the Nazis war production was and how to produce more, tanks, and of course their massive Rail gun. We hope you enjoy. 16:27 Min's 6th Film: "Fighter Kills-Trains". This is a collection of fighter kills on trains in Europe and in China during WW2. A must see. I know I would not want to be on one of these trains. The British had a game with the Nazi trains. They said' "You build them and we will bust them". And bust them they did. 10:16 Min's

710th Railway Grand Division Engineer section - humor

729th and 732nd Railway Operating Battalion articles: Railway Age June 16, 1945

Another great items from Richard Stone - Thanks

Mileposts: the memoirs of the 774th Railway Grand Division

Thanks so much to Leonardo Micheletti for sharing this.

726th Railway Operating Battalion - Danner

 726th Railway Operating Battalion - Danner

750th Railway Operating Battalion and 759th HQ Railway Operating Battalion flags

 750th Railway Operating Battalion



1205th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion

1205th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion expresses gratitude for UTU's continued support CLEVELAND -- A unique three-dimensional plaque recognizing the UTU's continuing support of the U.S. armed forces was recently presented to the union by a representative of the U.S. Army Reserve and the 1205th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion (ROB). "The story that appeared in the UTU News in April 1999, along with the information and links on the UTU's website, really helped raise awareness of our operations and continues to boost our recruitment efforts," said Maj. Martin Piech of the 1205th ROB. 

Expressing his personal gratitude as well as the ROB's, Maj. Piech presented the union with a specially constructed plaque featuring a model of one of the U.S. Army's locomotives and a brass plate with the inscription: "In appreciation for support of the 1205th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion and the U.S. Army Reserve." 

The engine modeled on the plaque, #4601, is one of two locomotives acquired by the Army in 1990 from the Illinois Central Railroad (IC). Built by General Motors' Electro-Motive Division (EMD) as a GP9 in January 1958, it was sold to the IC Railroad as their No. 9343 and put to use in freight service. It was rebuilt by successor Illinois Central Gulf (ICG) as a GP10 in the ICG's shops in Paducah, Ky., in August 1974, and re-numbered ICG 8339. "There are some great opportunities in the Army Reserve for railroaders to improve their skills, serve their country, qualify for benefits, and have fun while doing it," said Piech, who regularly takes his recruitment efforts to local meetings held by the various unions representing railroaders. 

"The truth is I really haven't had to recruit at UTU local meetings during the last year," Piech noted, "because the response to the UTU News article has been overwhelming. But I'm still trying to raise awareness among the other brotherhoods of the benefits offered by the reserve." In a letter responding to the honor bestowed on the UTU, International President Charles L. Little said, "As a railroader and a proud American who served with the U.S. Marine Corps, I have first-hand knowledge of the important role played by our nation's military personnel, as well as an understanding of the logistical challenges faced by those involved in transportation.... I appreciate the opportunities made available to UTU members by the Army Reserve and hope our publication and website help with your recruiting efforts. "In the event that the UTU can offer any assistance as you go about the business of protecting and defending our great nation," Little continued, "please do not hesitate to call on us. It is with immense pride that I can offer the expertise and assistance of the finest transportation professionals in the civilian sphere." 

 The 1205th ROB, based in Middletown, Conn., is one of two Army Reserve Railway units today. Those two units are now the only such rail units in any branch or component of the nation's armed forces. The primary mission of the 1205th ROB is to haul materiel to a location about 25 miles south of Wilmington, Del., a depot in North Carolina known as Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU). The 757th ROB, based in Milwaukee, Wisc., represents the sole surviving World War II-type ROB, and its forces can be deployed anywhere in the world. UTU members can learn more about the 1205th ROB by visiting the ROB's website at or by calling either Steve Heinrich or Sgt. Ron Hazel at (860) 632-2117

724th Railway Operating Battalion Headquarters 1940s

712th TROB and 3rd TMRS- gate and locomotive -- Dewey McLean


3rd TMRS Sintanni Line, October 1952. I took this photo of a GM-EMD SW8 Diesel Locomotive #2034 powered supply train operated by the 712th TROB taking supplies to the front lines during the Battle of White Horse Mountain shortly after departing Taekwangni on my return to Seoul. 

I was on the troop train on the siding on the right side of the photo. According to Dave Kaufman, #2034 was the last SW8 on the Army roster. It was retired two years ago from Fort Sill, OK, and is now at the Oklahoma Railway Museum in Oklahoma City. tony2076, Art Reid and Dewey McLean comments on this post 

Also Dewey's photo of 3rd TMRS gate

3rd TMRS , 713th, 734th ROB, Luzon Pass, 770th ROB various military rail passes

3rd TMRS , 713th, 734th ROB, Luzan Pass, 770th ROB

Persian Gulf Command Beer Stein - Trench Art


This is neat 1940's plated brass beer stein showing a map of the Persian Gulf including, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the Soviet Union. Persian Gulf Command was a United States Army operation to have a land supply route open to Russia during World War 2

 More on Persian Gulf Command on this blog HERE

Some units were : 

3rd Military Railway Service (702nd Military Railway Grand Division)

711th Railway Operating Battalion 

730th Railway Operating Battalion 

754th Railway Shop Battalion 

762nd Railway Shop Battalion 

791st Railway Operating Battalion

Military Railway Service Iran 1944 711th ROB

USA Military Railway Service and Iranian State Railroad. Includes MRS-Iranian State Rwy Rules and Operations booklet. size is 4 x 7 inches, 58 pages in English and 48 pages in Arabic Script. Shows signals and light requirements. Included are 17 B/W photographs. Some dated Feb 1945. No credit noted on pics, no negatives. Includes 17--4"x5" and 2 smaller. Some are Victory ships at RR service dock, Shaws train, Ahwaz depot/trains, Ahwaz-Teheran train, RR yards, Train wrecks, Celebration of 1, 000,000 tons to Russia with Russian color guard. Steam and diesel locos.

Army Railroaders encounter novel operating methods in Africa Railway Age - Vol 115 No. 19 November 6, 1943

 Railway Age - Vol 115  No. 19 November 6, 1943

Field Manuals: FM 55-23 1955 and FM 55-60 1944

Here are some important Transportation Rail related U.S. Army Field manuals the 55-60 is from 1944 and 55-53 is 1955


Other rail related manual - all can be found on this blog under "field manuals" 

 55-23 Transportation Railway Shop Battalion. Dept. of the Army. Jun. 1965. 154 p. U408.3.A13 FM 55-23 Jun. 1965 

55-50 Transportation Corps Military Railroads and the Military Railway Service. War Dept. Mar. 1944. 34 p. U408.3.A13 FM 55-50 Mar. 1944 

55-55 Transportation Corps Railway-Operating Battalion. War Dept. Feb. 1944. 57 p. U408.3.A13 FM 55-55 Feb. 1944 

55-60 Transportation Corps Railway Shop Battalion. War Dept. Jan. 1944. 49 p. U408.3.A13 FM 55-60 Jan. 1944

Amazing Locomotive S160 Builder and design specifications



 S160 Builder Design Spec2

 S160 Builder Design Spec3

S160 Builder Spec 

 Thanks Richard 

The Military Railroad Journey of Chicago & Northwestern Locomotive Engineer Frank Pelletier 1942 To 1945 And Beyond by Donald M. Pelletier, Jr.

Great new book ! The Military Railroad Journey of Chicago & Northwestern Locomotive Engineer Frank Pelletier 1942 To 1945 And Beyond 

There aren’t many, if any, personal histories of combined railroad military training and railroad operations in wartime told by the person who lived the experiences between 1942 and 1945 on the Chicago & Northwestern, the Santa Fe and the White Pass & Yukon Railroads. 

This book does just that and more via the thoughtful and witty pen and photos Frank Pelletier left us. It is a collation and presentation of his historic original diaries, letters, photos and even an original poem by a multitalented railroad engineer, held, preserved and now presented by his nephew. 

More here and purchase the book:

Railroad over rhine Railway Age magazine - Vol 118 No. 17

Various MRS locomotives

thanks richard

743rd Railway Operating Battalion - Petra uniform

708th Railway Grand Division and locomotive 2582

740th ROB Railway Engineer In Steam Locomotive Numbered 2842

U.S. Army Coast Artillery Corps Battery B, 42nd Artillery and 602nd railway WWI

This is a group of 29 photographs which are still glued to scrapbook pages. I think these are photographs taken by a member of U.S. Army Coast Artillery Corps Battery B, 42nd Artillery which were engaged in Army maneuver in the fall of 1920. There are pictures from Navy Base Norfolk, Camp Eustis, VA. There photographs of the CAC 10-inch Gun, Fort Motors, 12-inch Motor M1918 Railway Carriage, 8-inch M1918 Railway Gun. Also there is a neat picture of the Railway Artillery Reserve insignia painted on the side of a military train, marked on one side B and other 42.

3rd Military Railway Service Persian Gulf command certificate

743rd Railway Operating Company C taken in April 1944 at Camp Robinson, Arkansas.

Thanks so much to April, who is daughter of the great Floyd and Virginian McKechnie, back in the day they ran the 743rd reunion group. 743rd Railway Operating Company C taken in April 1944 at Camp Robinson, Arkansas. Here is the rolled photo in 4 sections and the name key as well as Virginia Ms notes on missing names.

743rd Railway Operating Company C taken in April 1944 at Camp Robinson, Arkansas. by Nancy on Scribd

743rd co photo Names Combined by Nancy on Scribd

*I can send a higher quality of a panel photo if you find your GI.

724th Railway Operating Battalion - Brasfield

 Dick is researching his mother's first husband TEC4 Brasfield. He was killed in France, less than a month before VE Day. Does anyone know anything of him. Thanks, ,Dick Flippo TEC4 Roy H. Brasfield |

Historical Report of the Transportation Corps in the European Theater of Operation

Thanks Richard

















TC 1 TC_ETO_Vol_VI_Part_I 

TC 1 TC_ETO_Vol_VI_Part_II 

TC 1 TC_ETO_Vol_VI_Part_III 

Transportation Corp V. 5 Part I 

Transportation Corp V. 5 Part II 

Transportation Corp V. 5 Part III

I'm having trouble hosting these they are rather large,  let me know if you want to read one and I'll send it to you.  militaryrailwayservice (@)

War Railroading in Africa, Italy Railway Age Vol 117 No 2

thanks Richard

War Railroading in Africa, Italy Railway Age Vol 117 No 2 by Nancy on Scribd

MRS - Mandalay Line Military Review Sept 1953

Thanks Richard

MRS - MandalayLine - Master by Nancy on Scribd

The Library of Congress >> American Folklife Center- Veterans History Project >> George M. Harris 743rd Railway Operating Battalion

George M Harris

715th Railway Operating Battalion officers

Names: Griffith, Stephenson, Black, Calhoun and White

765th TRSB and 724th TROB accident

 Thanks Ed ! Does anyone know anything about this event?

Yankee Boomer 1943-1945

These are the copies i have and I will work on linking a copy of each one !  

The Yankee Boomer – newspaper for the personnel of the Military Railway Service. First published in October 1943 in Algiers, North Africa. The last issue came out on September 27th 1945. The magazine was run in two volumes, each one consisting of 52 issues. Edited and produced at General Headquarters, M.R.S. T/Sgt. N.E. Kernell, Editor T/5 R.K. Waldron, Associate Editor Contents of each publication had been passed by SHAEF field press censor. Bob Waldron LINK

 Yankee Boomer Vol.1
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 04 October 28, 1943 LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 09 December 2, 1943 LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 20 February 17, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 21 February 24, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 22 March 2, 1944 (2) LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 23 March 9, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 24 March 16, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 25 March 23, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 26 March 30, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 29 April 20, 1944  LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 30 April 27, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 31 May 4, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 32 May 4, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 33 May 18, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 35 June 1, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 36 June 8, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 38 June 22, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 41-44 August 3, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 45 August 10, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 46 August 17, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 47 Aug 24, 1944 Picture Ed LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 48 August 31, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 49 September 7, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 50 September 14, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.1 No. 52 September 28, 1944

Yankee Boomer Vol.2
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 01 October 5, 1944 LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 03 October 19, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 05 November 2, 1944
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 06-18 February 1, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 19 February 8, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 20 February 18, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 21 February 22, 1945 (2) LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 22 March 1, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 23 March 8, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 24 March 15, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 25 March 22, 1945 LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 26 March 29, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 27 April 5, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 28-32 May 10, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 33 May 17, 1945 (2)
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 34 May 24, 1945 LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 35 May 31, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 36 June 7, 1945 (2)
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 37 June 14, 1945 (3)
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 38 June 21, 1945 Picture ed. LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 39 June 28, 1945 (2) LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 40 July 5, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 41 July 12, 1945 (2) LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 43 July 26, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 44 August 2, 1945 (posted)
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 45 August 9, 1945 LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 46 August 16, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 48 August 30, 1945 LINK
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 49 September 6, 1945 (2)
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 51 September 20, 1945
Yankee Boomer Vol.2 No. 52 Sept. 27, 1945 Last Issue LINK

725th Railway Operating Battalion ~ T.C. Quinlan

Camp Claiborne misc orders and Christmas card

711th Railway Operating Battalion at Camp Claiborne

Camp Claiborne and Polk founded : Army will buy railroad for training

8010th TMRS (Transportation Military Railway Service) Points of interest in Japan

Bivouac fpr Army railroaders

741st Railway Operating Battalion Joe Morgan

Joe Morgan son, Don shares his dad's amazing photos from 741st ROB in Germany.