710th Railway Operating Battalion Reports 1944-1947

710th Orders 1944 All by Nancy

710th Orders 1945 All by Nancy

710th Orders 1946 All by Nancy

710th Orders 1947 All by Nancy

Thanks so much to Julie for sharing this amazing history

749th Railway Operating Battalion Reunion group newsletters and reunions - Lt. Col. David MacLeod

Thanks so much to JMacLeod for her donation of these items belonging to her father, Lt. Col. David MacLeod of the 749th

754th Engineer Railway Shop Battalion

Thanks to MSaxton for this great article

Oregonian 754thRSB 08oct1942 Fullpage by Nancy

Do you know what this patch is ?

Our good friend Dave Kaufman is doing some research and would like to know what this patch is ?
Contact me if you know anything about it .. cunningb2 [@] gmail.com

790th TROB Manila Railroad --Yank Magazine

Manilla 790th TROB Yank article by Nancy on Scribd

790th TROB / ROB -- Izzo