These great photos thanks to Fred Bottorff's daughter, MGilbert.
728th Railway Operating Battalion- Fred Bottorff
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | Labels: 728th Railway Operating Battalion | 1 Comments
711th Clarence E. Stone
Pieter in Holland recently wrote ...
Here are pictures of the helmet liner of Clarence E. Stone and his Honorable Discharge.Stone had his training with the 1st Engineer Training Battalion in 1942. He can be seen on the yard long photo, GI # 164.
The liner is multiple marked with Stone's laundry mark S 4573. Also on the front above the eyelet Cpl chevrons were scratched .Between the eyelet and rivet Stone was scratched. Both markings are difficult to see because they were painted over.
He got his training with the Tank Destroyers and was assigned to the 397th MP Bn in Europe.
I am a collector of WW2 US items and helmets (I published a book on the M-1 helmet of WW2) In my collection I have a liner & documents of a GI who served with the 711th Railway Operating Bn.
He also sent the discharge papers and I research a little and found this obit for Stone.

Ronald Stone visited cemetery in 1985 with Clarence's widow, Hilda M. (she was born
Apr 20, 1928). Viewed Clarence's headstone in Restland Cemetery, Perry County, PA. " July 2, 1917- Nov 11, 1984"
Obituary obtained from Perry Historians:
" Clarence E. Stone, 67, of Loysville, RD1, died Sunday, November 11, 1984 in Perry Health Center. He was a farmer and a retired State employee, a veteran of World War II, a member of the Ickesburg Fire Company, a member of the Ickesburg Ambulance Club and Centre Presbyterian Church.
Surviving are his wife Mrs. Hilda M. Stone, three sons, Clark E. and Gale E.
both of Loysville, R.D.1, and Mervin K. of Duncannon; six daughters, Mrs.
Gloria J. Diehl of New Bloomfield, R.D.2, Mrs. Darlene C. Narehood of Lititz, Mrs. Brenda A. Weldon of Newport, R.D.1, Mrs. Sarah M. Myers of Newville, R.D.4, Miss Kathy M. of Delaware, and Miss Laurie M. at home, a brother, Kenneth of Newport, R.D.3; two sisters Mrs. Violet Rowe of Blain, and Mrs. Pearl Cook of Carlisle; and
12 grandchildren. Services were held Thursday in the Nickel Funeral Home, Loysville, with the Rev. Jeffrey Roth officiating. Burial was in Restland Cemetery."
Burial: November 1984, Restland Cemetery, Loysville, Perry County, PA
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | Labels: 711th Railway Operating Battalion | 2 Comments
740th Railway Operating Battalion -- 740th Co. C Roster [Timothy Edgar Randles]
Thanks to Linda for sharing this amazing roster.
She writes .... My Dad, Timothy Edgar Randles, Jr. served from in the 740th Railway Operating Battalion from July 1944 to December 1945.
740th CoC Roster
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | Labels: 740th Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
Event announcemnet : 70th anniversary of the founding of the Army Transportation Corps on July 31, 1942
Military Railway Service Veterans and Friends:
The year 2012 will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Army Transportation Corps on July 31, 1942. To celebrate this milestone the Chief of Transportation, COL (P) Stephen E. Farmen, will be hosting a four day Transportation Corps (TC) Conference starting July 25th at Fort Eustis. Opening ceremonies will held at the Transportation Museum with the dedication of the currently under construction rail pavilion and the recent acquisition of ALCO locomotive RSD1 #8011. Locomotive #8011 was one of 57 similar units sent to Iran in WWII for service on the Military Railway Service operated Iranian State Railway. The dedication ceremony will be followed by tours and special activities at the museum. The dedication and museum activities are open the public and you participation is encouraged. A complete listing of TC Conference activities at both Fort Eustis and Fort Lee will be posted at the Transportation School's WEB site as plans are finalized. Plan to join us at Fort Eustis in July to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of Army Railroaders from the Civil War to current operations in Afghanistan.
See below for TRAINS Magazine News Wire February 6 posting on the event.
Mark Metz
Foundation Rail Committee
(717) 597-2636
Sunday, February 12, 2012 | Labels: events, reunions | 0 Comments
732nd ROB Maj.Thomas Brennan documents, photos and photo key
Biography of Major Thomas J. Brennan
This is a 3 part blog post see the second half of the photos and the key to some of them on subsequent posts.
Sunday, February 12, 2012 | Labels: 732nd Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
732nd Maj.Thomas Brennan documents and photo key
Thanks again to Becky for scanning and sharing these and for typing the photo key for the photos. I will embed the pdf on scribd but I will also post some of the text so it becomes searchable through Google etc.
732nd Brennan Picture Index and or Descriptions
Lt. Col. T.J. Brennan Wins Decoration and Promotion Pg 1
IMG 001 Maj. Thomas J. Brennan,732ND R.O.B.
IMG 002 Thionville, France
IMG 003 Port City Tionville our command point. When Germans conquered France changed name to Diedenhoffen
IMG 004 “A typical Franch Railroad Depot 2/13/45 Stationed here until later part Mar 1945. Had our outfit cars on the track. You see X marks the spot”
IMG 005 You are now entering TRIER through the courtesty of _____nd RWY.OPN.BN
IMG 006 Post card Thionville, Place du marche
IMG 007 Channel Bridge Thionville France
IMG 0013 Sierck under fire Jan 27..1945
IMG 0022 Argentan, France Oct. 1944
IMG 0025 Argentan
IMG 0027 Mar. 1945 D-6 Clearing debris off mainline leading into railhead at Mondorf, Germany
IMG 0028 Argentan
IMG 0033 Wellen Ger
IMG 0034 Argentan France 1944
IMG 0046 Tunnel Nittel Ger.
IMG 0049 Argentan, France, Oct. 1944
IMG 0050 Argentan, France, Oct. 1944
IMG 0051 Argentan, France, St. Germaine Cathedral, Oct. 1944
IMG 0052 Argentan, France, Oct. 1944
IMG 0053 Argentan, France, Oct. 1944
IMG 0054 Argentan, France, Oct. 1944
IMG 0055 Argentan, France, Oct. 1944
IMG 0056 Camp Bullis, Tx, Headquarter force! 4/1/44See IMG 00056A for names on back of original photo
IMG 0056A Names on photo IMG 00056 written on back of photo 4/1/44
IMG 0057 732 RYOPR BN Beer Garden
IMG 0058 Thionville, France, Chow Line, Feb, 1945IMG 0059 Thionville, France, Mess Hall in station French KP’s serving French officer and battalion personnel, Feb. 1945
IMG 0060 Thionville France, Jan. 25, 1945, Birthday Party in a Boxcar to R: %/S Greenbert, Cpl curtiss, M/Sct Robinson, T/S Heitner, lst Lt. Cudworth
IMG00060A Handwritten copy of names in IMG 00060 Birthday Party
IMG 0061 28th Divn 18 pc band played in Beer Garden, June 21st 1945 “Marks photo”
IMG 0062 Argentan, France, Oct 1944
IMG 0063 Argentan, France, Oct 1944
IMG 0064 Argentan, France, Oct 1944
IMG 0065 Fort Thionville
IMG 0066 Perl, Germany, Feb. 28, 1945, Perl Yards
IMG 0067 Perl, Germany, Feb. 28, 1945, Perl Yards, Co. A. B & B Section
IMG 0069 Perl, Germany, Feb. 28, 1945, Perl Yards
IMG 0070 Nennig, Germany, Feb. 28, 1945
IMG 0071 Perl, Germany, Feb. 28, 1945, Perl Yards
IMG 0072 Perl, Germany, Feb. 28, 1945,Perl Yards
IMG 0073 Perl, Germany, Feb. 28, 1945, Perl RR Yards
IMG 0074 Perl, Germany, Feb. 28, 1945, Perl Yards,
German Tank on Flat Car
IMG 0075 Mondorf, Germany, Mar. 8, 1945
IMG 0076 Waldwisse, France, Mar. 8, 1945
IMG 0077 Waldwisse, France, Mar. 8, 1945
IMG 0078 Waldwisse, France, Mar. 8, 1945
IMG 0079 Waldwisse, France, Mar. 8, 1945
IMG 0080 Waldwisse, France, Mar. 8, 1945
IMG 0081 “Cpl. Holmquist Heavy Equipment Operator filling in Bomb crater on main line – at Waldwisse, France, March 8, 1945”IMG 0082 Thionville, France, Mar. 12, 1945,Lt. Snitman in foreground
IMG 0083 Thionville Station, France, Mar. 12, 1945
IMG 0084 “Chaplain John K. McDivitt Jr. holding general services in Waldwisse YardsWaldlwisse, France March 13, 1945”
IMG00085 “Konz Bridge leading into Trier, Germany, 4 track steel structure 5 span bridgeMarch 17, 1945
IMG 0086 “B & B and heavy equip operator lining upONE steel beam to place in newly constructed bridge seats at Mondorf bridge, March 21, 1945
IMG 0086A Description printed on back of IMG 86 B & B and Heavy equip, etc.
IMG 0087 “B & B and heavy equip. operator setting in TWOsteel beams on Mondorf bridge
March 21, 1945”
IMG 0087A Description written on back of 87 B & B and TWoHeavy equipment, etc.l
IMG 0087AA “B & B and heavy equipment operator setting in THREE steel beams on Mondorf bridge
March 21, 1945
IMG 0087B Description written on back of 87AA B & B and heavy equipment operator, etc
IMG 0088 “B & B Platoon setting in steel beams on Mondorf bridge,FOUR March 21, 1945
IMG 0088A Description written on back of 0088 B & B Platoon
FOUR setting in steel beams, etc
IMG 0089 “B & B Plt. setting in explosives to blast demolitioned bridge clogging mainline to Mondorf, Germany railheadMar. 1945”
IMG 0089A Description of 0089 B & B setting in explosives To blast, etc.
IMG 0090 “Bridge on Waldwisse line.
B & B Plt. preparing to blastMarch, 1945”
IMG 0091 Forward view of Konz bridge, Trier, Germany, March 17, 1945
IMG 0092 Chow line, Waldwisse, France, March, 1945
IMG 0093 Argentan, France, Nov. 1944
IMG 0094 Trier Station, March 17, 1945
IMG 0095 “3/4 view-Konz bridge temporary pontoon bridge in foreground leading into Trier March, 1945”
IMG 0096 “Double track overhead railroad bridge at Konz leading into Trier March 17, 1945
IMG 0097 “B & B blasting debris off main line. Waldwisse, France, Mar. 1945”
IMG 0098 “Mondorf Bridge, March, 1945, Mondorf, Germany”
IMG 0099 “Thionville Coaling Yard, March, 1945, Thionville, France”
IMG 00112 Lt Paul Gerbier, see 000112A for info. Written in French
IMG 00112A Description Lt Paul Gerbier, Fr. Liaison for 732 R.O.B.
IMG 00114 “Feb. 28, 1945, Nennig, Germany see 00114A for description
IMG 00114A Description “ Feb. 28, 1945--Bridge being reconstructed by B & B section under supervision of Tech Sgt. Martin Cristello, looking on from extreme right of bridge”
IMG 00115 No description
IMG 00116 “Where Krauts surrendered”
IMG 00117 Cathedral, Reims, France, 1945
IMG 00117A Description “Used to go to Mass here when stationed at Reims, France, 1945”
IMG 00118 “Statue on dispay Notre Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg – Went to Mass there, 1945
IMG 00118A News clipping of February flood, Weisweiler, Germany
IMG 00119 Argentan, No description
IMG 00122 “Company “B”, Jefferson Barracks, MO, July, 1944(Note: Notice the soldier standing :o)
IMG 00131 Demolished bridge between Temmels and Olerbillig, Germany
IMG 00133 “Forward Cross view of Merzig Yards, Merzig, Germany, March 19, 1945”
IMG 00134 “forward cross view of Merzig Yards, Merzig, Germany, March 19, 1945”
IMG 00135 Thionville Yards, March, 1945
IMG 00136 Wincheringen Yard, Germany
IMG 00138 Major T. J. Brennan in middle.No other description
IMG 00147 Sgt Irving Bellings Co A, Maj. T.J. Brennan, Sgt Martin Cristello Co A Argentain, France, Oct. 1944
IMG 00147A Description “s/Sgt Irging Billings Co A, J/ Sgt Martin Cristello CoA, Argentain, France, Oct 1944”
IMG 00150 No description 4/1/44
IMG 00151 No description 4/1/44
IMG 00152 Maj. Brennan, Capt. Stephen, Capt. Buchanan 4/1/44
IMG 00154 Major T. J. Brennan and soldier
IMG 00155 Maj. T. J. Brennan C Company, 732nd RWY. OPN. BN
IMG 00156 Maj. T. J. Brennan C Company, 732nd RWY. OPN. BN with 6 soldiers
IMG 00157 Maj. T. J. Brennan C Company, 732nd RWY,.OPN. BN with 2 soldiers
IMG 00158 Maj. T. J. Brennan with 2 soldiers from 732nd RWY. OPN. BN
IMG 00159 Enlisted men’s quarters. Ft Sam Houston, EKMARK 42
IMG 00160 No description, but appears to be Ft. Sam Houston 42
IMG 00161 No description, but appears to be Ft. Sam Houston 42
IMG 00162 No description, but appears to be Ft. Sam Houston 42
IMG 0164
IMG 00171 Chaplain McDivett, Capt., Major T.J. Brennan, Doctor Snitman, MD 1st Lt, taken in rear ofOur headquarters, June 2nd 1945
IMG 00171A Description: “Chaplain McDivett, Capt, Me, Doctor Snitman, MD, 1st Lt. Taken in rear of our headquarters June 2nd 1945
IMG 00177 Argentan, France, Main St. leading into town, Nov. 1944
IMG 00181 Argentan
IMG 00182 Argentan, France, Oct. 1944
IMG 00183 Argentan
IMG 00187 Post Card, Diedenhofen Am Markt
IMG 00188 Post card Luxembourg, Faubourg du Grund, 2-2-45 With note on back—see IMG 00188A
IMG 00188A Description “2-2-45 Spent considerable time this city As we furnished rail supplies after “Bulge” “
IMG 00189 Post card Luxembourg, Porte de Treves
IMG 00190 Post card Luxembourg, Trois Glands
IMG 00191 Transportation Corps, Etousa, Railways of Germany Including main roads, Section 16, Scale 1:250,000 First Edition FRONT
IMG 00192 Transportation Corps, Railways of Germany BACK
Sunday, February 12, 2012 | Labels: 732nd Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
713th Railway Operating Battalion Herbert H. Hulbert

Herbert H. Hulbert of New Haven CT He died 8/14/88 this wonderful photo and news article thanks to his daughter Barb!
Barb would like to hear from others with a connection to this unit.
Thanks !
barbjohns [at ]
Sunday, February 12, 2012 | Labels: 713th Railway Operating Battalion | 0 Comments
704th Railway Grand Division Unit History
Original 1945 Unit History
Published by the 704th Railway Grand Division First Military Railway Service Transportation Corps, U.S. Army 1945
Printed in Germany by Stuttgarter Vereinsbuchdruckerei AG Engraving by Graphische Kunstanstalt Schuler Stuttgart Binding by Grossbuchbinderei Oskar Pfau Stuttgart "Affiliated with and sponsored by an excellent railroad, the Great Northern..." Served in North Africa, Italy, Southern France and Germany "This is the story of the 704th Railway Grand Division Headquarters and Headquarters Company..." Includes a short biography (including a photo in most cases) of all personnel - including enlisted men.
*** own one of these books - if you have someone who served in this unit contact me and I'll be hapy to scan the bio of that soldier -the books includes bios and photos for many of the soldiers.
Here is a list of the soldiers..
Monday, February 06, 2012 | Labels: 704th Railway Grand Division, roster | 1 Comments