The 714th's 1944 Baseball Team

 The 714th's 1944 Baseball Team 

1944 Baseball Team-Standing: Phil LaVelle, Ralph Fogel, Tom Prather, Walt Griffin, Joe Leili, Charlie Bedwell, Newman Bolstad. Sitting: (Middle) Bill Pitman, Bob Thompson, Dana Ellis, Bill Williamson, Irvin Ferguson, Toe King, Hershell Gilliland. Sitting: John (chief) Corrilla, Herbert Sparks, Leuie Workman, Bob King, Jack (Wilbur) Marlowe. 

We feel that this team and this picture minus brass or civilians is worthy of our highest praise. We had a wealth of baseball talent in our team and they proved our confidencein them, being ably managed by First Sergeant Bolstad, and coached by Phil La Yelle. Our pitchers, Pitman, Fogel, Chief Corrilla, Williamson; catchers, Leili and Marlowe;the infield, Ellis, first base; Gillaland, second base; Thompson, shortstop, Bob King, third base; and the outfield, Prather, Griffin, Bedwell, Ferguson, Joe King, Sparks; scorekeeper, Workman. 

Highlights-Defeating the crack Air Corps and Air Depot teams. Frustrations-Our de￾feat at Fairbanks by a crack team picked from their various teams, 2 to 1 and 1 to 0; and the jinx over us held by the 177th Engineers. Our Alibis-None. 

Facts-We used our regular lineup at Fairbanks and the breaks did go "Agin Us." Our Travel-Up and back by air, fine thing for a railroad team, but we had to see how the other half lived. At Anchorage￾Pop Klaemer (777th Engineers pitcher and an old timer.)