German Reichsbahn Eagle Major W.H. Hathaway to Mr F.A. Murphy. 708th RGD

Mr F. A. Murphy Presentation of a plaque with a RMB German Reichsbahn-eagle and two affixed metal plates by Major W.H. Hathaway to Mr F.A. Murphy. (1 May 1945)

German Reichsbahn Eagle 722nd Railway Operating Battalion - McCormick

This eagle was captured and returned to the US after the war by Capt. William McCormick. McCormick was a member of the 772nd Battalion and rolled over the Rhine into Mainz Germany in 1945 for the express purpose of rebuilding the rail lines and communications. During his exposure to the German Railway system he managed to obtain a railroad eagle and he additionally managed to obtain the letters mounted under it. He took care removing the items as the studs are present not only on the bird but on the letters themselves. It was packed carefully in a unique box and sent home to his wife in Georgia. The eagle measures at 600mm (24.5″) and is undamaged retaining it’s studs. The letters retain their studs and measure approx. 3.5 inches in height. In addition, period correspondence, newspaper articles, and the unit history for the 722nd are included in the collection as well as notes to his wife on the holiday. Note:

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