746th Railway Operating Battalion - Whitfield

Thanks to Robert E. Whitfield's grandson Joseph for sharing all this great info about his dad's service in the 746th. We think he was in Company A as he was in signals.

Very fun song HERE

Film is from my grandfather who was in the 746th ROB. 

The description below was transcribed from his notepad: 

Roll #2- Buchy France, French Train, French Funeral Richemont. 

Feb 10, 1945 Bomb craters west of Criton. German grave and tank (Stug 3 assault gun) on Criton. View of front yard of Chat. (chateau?). Signal and BB gangs on m.c. Don Berger on poles Myers on pole. 

Roll #3 Feb 15, 1945 Buchy Junction 

Feb 16 Otto cutting my hair. 

Feb 18 Village of Cailly. 

Feb 19 French train at Criton 

Feb 21 Buchy Junction 

Feb 24, 1945 German fighters and bomber planes on box cars at Gournay (en-Bray). 

March 9 1945 Chow line. 

March 10, 1945 L’Eglise Saint-Ouen Church Rouen also Cathedral. 

March 18, 1945 Buchy Junction V Bomb (V-1 rocket) launching ramp.


 March 18, 1945-Buchy Junction. V-1 bomb (rocket) launching ramp

April 4-Rouen river front

April 5-Buchy Junction. Mine on branch line to Saint-Saens.

April 7-Trip to Paris

No date-Taken on trip from Buchy to Bonn Germany.

No date-Trip to Bonn and around Bonn in Bad Godesburg Germany

Only a few dates listed for this final film. 

Some words are illegible and more research/context is needed. 

Below are the transcribed notes from his notepad: 

View from Kassel Germany from steps of K.S. (?) Generals Gray’s Gull (not sure what that is referring to). 

Kassel hums (?) (Illegible) by A.P. 

Last 25 feet taken 6/17/45 from Die Herkules-Bhan. 

First half taken at Garmisch, Germany Aug 6, 1945. 

The Riviera France. 

First half taken at Riviera.

About the last 15ft taken of dolls dancing at the city hall in Munich. 

 Any additional information is welcomed. 



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